Saturday, December 20, 2008

What Is The International Colour Chart?

Dear Santa Claus: I am three years that I ask you a fire truck.
Please bring me a fire truck this year.
Thanks, Luigi.

Dear Louis, I do
frignoni the piss, but you must excuse me please. When you're sleeping your house on fire. So you have all the fire truck you want.


Dear Santa: I've been a very good girl this year.
The only thing I ask is peace and love throughout the world. With love, Sara.

Dear Sara: Do your parents smoke marijuana, do you?


Dear Babo Nattale: I piacerbe havere u'giuchetto dellu spaces for Christmas ... 'IAMM. Sognu been a good boy in nu cuesta year. Your ammico

Joseph Dear Joseph: Thank you for spelling EHHHHH! Terrone of shit!
No doubt you will make a brilliant career ... AS MASON! How about if I send you a book instead of spelling? Sure, the joke of the space will send him to your brother, at least ... He can write!


Dear Santa: I do not know if you can, but this year I did that back together again, my parents, I miss my dad so much.
with love Giovanni.

Dear John: But you're asking? That ruins the relationship between your father and his secretary? But if you're having fun as he ever did with a woman! You better gift of Lego.


Dear Santa Claus: I want a bike, a Nintendo, a tramway, the pokemon, a dog, a pony and an electric guitar. With love Tiburcio.

Caro "TIBURZI" Would not you like anything else, scrounger bastard!? What unhappy
can never call his son Tiburcio? In your home do not give a damn to any of you, true??


Dear Santa: I left cookies and a glass of milk under the tree, and carrots for your reindeer.
Love, Susan Dear Susan

: Milk gives me diarrhea, and carrots make that reindeer I Fart in the face ...
If you really want to do the ass-licker, leave me a bottle of Chivas Regal, Cuban cigars and persuade your mother to get that thong that uses the milkman ...


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