Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Kates Playground - Who Is Kate

V for Vendetta - Guy Fawkes and the plot of dust

is coming November 5:

"Remember, remember,
November 5,
gunpowder, treason and plot
I see no reason why
the Gunpowder Plot
should never be forgotten! "

For many will pass as an ordinary day, many are celebrating their birthday, few will remember the attempt by Guy Fawkes to blow up in one shot of the British Parliament, with much of the Protestant aristocracy in the day of opening of parliament referred to as "State Opening" ceremony held November 5, 1605, where he also attended the King James of England and his family.
The origin of the plot: the conspirators, through Thomas Percy rented a cellar beneath Parliament; Fawkes helped fill the room with gunpowder which was concealed under various ornaments. The 36 barrels belonging to John Whynniard is estimated to contain 2500 kg of powder. It is believed that the original plan foresaw the digging of a tunnel from the basement he went to place the explosives just below the meeting hall of the House of Lords. The explosion would could reduce to rubble many of the buildings of the complex of Westminster, also including the Abbey, and broke the windows of all buildings within a radius of nearly a mile.
Around midnight on November 4, Fawkes, who said name was John Johnson, was arrested in the cellar by a squad of armed men led by Sir Thomas Knevytt. Fawkes was found in possession of a watch, matches and paper for the ignition. It is said that Peter Heywood, a resident of Heywood, Lancashire, was the man who snatched the torch from the hands of Fawkes before he could light the fuse.
stops, Guy Fawkes did not deny his intentions, saying that it was his purpose to destroy the Parliament and the King Before stopping some conspirators were concerned about the Catholics who were present in Parliament on the day of the attack. One of these conspirators was Mark Tresham, who sent a letter to Lord Monteagle, warning of the danger. Lord Monteagle became suspicious and showed the letter to the secretary of state, who started the research in the vaults of the House of Lords.
Fawkes was brought into the bedroom of the king, where the ministers had been summoned urgently o'clock in the morning. He maintained an attitude of defiance, not hiding his intentions. Answered the king, who had asked him why he wanted to kill him, saying that the excommunication of the pope placed a last resort, and added, addressing the Scottish courtiers who surrounded him, that a of its aims was also to roll back all the Scots in Scotland.
After nearly a week of torture, ordered by King James (at the time the torture was strictly prohibited, except in some cases and only at the express request of the RE) to induce the prisoner to reveal the names of the accomplices of the attack just foiled wears a symbolic process in which the sentences had already been determined in advance, so Guy Fawkes and his accomplices involved in the conspiracy were: beheaded, hanged, torn or better quartered near the courtyard of the Old Palace Yard.


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