Sunday, November 7, 2010

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the seeds of discord .... ??

The seed of discord, it is appropriate to say, lies in the cathode ray tube. And the dilemma is quite serious: be on the side of a Big Brother or more sperm brand of neoconservatism religious to Ruini & Pear?

is not a good alternative, we admit it. All the fault of an evil master whose name is John de Mol, founder of TV production company called Endemol, which we owe the existence of Big Brother in general and the spread of the convulsive reality show in much of the globe. The fact is that is broadcast Wednesday night on Dutch television a new private plan which has been called in Holland 'the sperm show "in which a single woman will choose - so it can be fertilized - the man who will judge to be the best sperm donor . Fertilization, we ensure meticulous agencies, will be strictly artificial (and well!). Title of the program: I want your son and nothing else.

Of course in the Netherlands as well as in much of Europe there were terrible arguments about it being aired ... however, the wily de Mol - creator of Big Brother is now a multimillionaire - he did not hesitate to kick off free program, which is transmitted in its new private broadcaster, call (oh, how original!) Mole.

So after the voyeurism of borrowed, more or less explicit sex, which leads the people and insults, the false-famous toys humiliating forced to a secluded island (but inhabited mainly by cameras, besides by exotic animals), other famous fake-which affects milk the cows and so on and so once again we have to hear the fateful phrase, "... overcome the extreme frontier of the reality show." The concept is always the same: as long as the viewer will be able to raise eyebrows in amazement, between a degassed beer, crisps and the next reality show? Here the candidates embarked on a sort of competition of the sperm, while such a Jessica, thirty. must choose which is best suited to fertilize. Now, the point is: the lady in question will be based on the personality of the various competitors, or will be provided the clinical analysis of the seed of the candidates? And the other point is, it's easy to speak ill of a reality show. But if it takes Senator Pera and indicated as an example of the collapse of Western values, we'll defend it?



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