Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Install Closet Flange Level

--- The Berlin Wall history should have taught us something ---

The Berlin Wall (German: Berliner Mauer), sometimes called the propaganda of the GDR antifaschistischer Schutzwall (anti-fascist protection barrier), a term coined in 1961 by Horst Sindermann, was a concrete barrier about three meters high that separated East Berlin, capital of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany), from West Berlin exclave of the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) surrounded by the territory of the GDR. It is considered the symbol of the Iron Curtain, dividing line between the European zone of U.S. influence and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
Erected by the Communist government of East Germany, divided the city of Berlin for 28 years after its construction (which began August 13, 1961) until its collapse, which occurred November 9, 1989, because of its uselessness, after the dismantling of the Iron Curtain by Hungary (August 23, 1989) and the subsequent exodus (Danube across the country) of the Germans from the East since September 11 of that year.
During these years, according to official data, Vopos were killed by the guards of the GDR, at least 133 people as they tried to overcome the wall to West Berlin. However, some scholars argue that more than 200 people were killed as they tried to reach West Berlin or captured and later executed.
On 9 November 1989, after several weeks of public unrest, the government of East Germany announced that the visits to Germany and West Berlin would be permitted, after listing a multitude of citizens of Eastern climbed the wall and walked past him to reach the people of West Germany on the other side in a festive atmosphere. Within weeks, small parts of the wall were taken away from the crowds and souvenir hunters, industrial equipment was later used to remove almost everything that had rimasto.Tutt 'Today there is a large market of small fragments, the price may vary depending on the size of these.


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