Friday, March 18, 2011

How To Remove An Icicle

A LO dedicated to Naomi! My Favourite

Hehe ... what a beautiful
posts scheduled! Yes, because so my poor blog is not abandoned while I'm away for a few days!

I had pointed out that Monday night I made 2 LO, but I had published only one ... here is another!

For this LO I "scrapliftato" Mery one that I liked very much, or at least I tried;) Here is the original, which is much more beautiful My, but I think that trying to build on "good ones" help them improve;) Here's some other details of the LO:

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For this picture, taken during the party for the christening of little Naomi, seemed suitable swirl, flowers and butterflies. Even here I did some experiments with the stickless to highlight some details and with glossy accent, which I used to cover the butterflies.

Well, my PB album created last summer by Footprints Author's starts to fill up a bit '... I like it!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Online Bangbros Episodes

Scrappers: Valentina!

last Thursday ... a new interview!
This week we have a scrapper-viperetta;) Yes, because my Favourite Scrapper now is Valentina or Scrap Melinda, who is also a Creative Viper DA about it at the end of his interview will tell us even one of the new initiatives of the Vipers ... scrapper Roman, watch out!!

Who is Valentina? A young scrapper, a mother of a beautiful little girl who is often the protagonist of his beautiful LO.
I leave the word to you, ready to learn more? So ... go!

Chiara: How long do you scrap?
Vale: scrapbooking for 5 years, and I remember why I started, unfortunately, after my marriage, in 2005 and unfortunately I am writing because if I had started earlier rather than create a crazy wedding favors made of beads, I picked up paper, glue and all our beautiful things and everything would be different:)

Chiara: How did you come to this technique?
Maybe it was fate, but it all started right in the shop now where I teach courses of scraps, the Cartareccia ( -
I was there to buy things for the beads and decoupage, when one of the girls in the shop has seen fit to tell me: "have you seen the new angle of scrapbooking?
Well, then exposed were the first things, things that maybe now make us shudder, but when I saw the wall papers, alphabets, stamps, my heart palpitate, then I thought that was not the case with a passion for something else that could make me spend more money and I left.
I left the obsession for a few days, I started looking for information on the internet and I opened up a world, I went to the store, I started to mess around and buy, buy and mess and I am here today:)

Chiara: As I e-mailed, I really like your style: how do you define it?
Vale: My style? But I have a style? I often look at the pages of the scrapper I like and I recognize the fly thinking "this is his style," but if you look at my I could not tell what unites them, if there is something, then I think I spent several stages ... Currently I'd say my work is "full sometimes" points which are offset by rich white space and looks a bit more 'live and' roly-poly ".

Chiara: What are the techniques that you like best?
My favorite thing right now is to "invent" embellishments and use things made by hand, also a bit 'of time I like to mess around, mix materials and techniques that apparently have nothing to do with the scrap and which perhaps not I'd give a penny, see for example the decoupage on a LO buffer inking stamps made with anything!

clear: there are "tools of the trade" that will never give up? As a basic tool
definitely my faithful cutter, will be trivial, but if there was you! Then any stamps, my drug, the big shot with all the templates you can imagine (nestabilities from Magnolia for some time and 'are my favorites) and punch. To cite only the "tools" because if you then go to the "consumables" then the list would become soooooo long: P

Chiara: You can "only" have a scrap or other artistic passions?
Vale: I only scrap, but as I mentioned before I try to put in a bit 'of everything and often I find myself sewing is how it is to work the felt or other.

clear: it is where you find inspiration for your work? Do you have any "favorite scrapper" who inspires you?
Vale: Scrapper I like there are many in Italy and abroad, of course, but if I want to play in two citartene home and tell you that now my favorites are Kushi and Simona Montanari, totally different from one another but all and two with a special touch.

Chiara: Following your blog, I discovered that also hold courses: how the idea of \u200b\u200ba job to do to someone else?
Vale: When you work for a course is never how to create only if you have a lot more constraints, such as various levels of difficulty, and above all to respect the choice of materials, you are obviously linked to those present at the time shop, so I have to say that I find it harder, but in the end is so nice to see a table of all people with your project in hand that are always the incentive to continue! The ideas can come from being in the hands from which new arrivals come up with something, a request had during a course, one thing I done for me and maybe I like to repeat to the girls, found inspiration by wandering around the web, or just dreaming!
Having a course a week and a small child now makes use of every moment!

Clare: And you made the course as "student"?
Vale: Of course it is! I've made some very beginning about now and if what I did think "but I paid for it?" But then I loved what I did! I then participated in almost all PACS and if time would permit me girerei Italy and the rest of the world in search of beautiful courses ...

Clare: Do you have a favorite shop or brand for your purchases?
Vale: My favorite brands at this time are: October Afternoon, Cosmo Cricket, American Crafts and the new Echo Park.

Chiara: What do you recommend to a neo-scrapper? Suggestions, must-have ... everything you can think of!
Vale: To suggest a new scrapper and start to jump without fear of not being afraid to cut a card or use an embellishment, fear that all we had, but to create, create, create, because the only way to become familiar with this hobby. The techniques are refined by testing the products they know consumers, not just buying them and holding them to give it a peek every day, just as I did at the beginning and the end I found myself to have things that once seemed sacred and now can no longer watch because "old"!

Chiara: The very latest question: next scrapbooking projects planned?
Vale: Projects for the head I have a lot, but what I am much more at the time, considering also its proximity, is the Viper Creative convention that is already in its second edition! It will be held in Rome on 2 / 3 April and you can participate in courses of various activities. Of course that is close to my heart and I take care of it is the section dubbed The Vipers scrap scrapbooking ( ).
take this opportunity to invite you to Clare for me to jump on the blog and perhaps to participate!

Do you understand? So for all Roman or for all those who are parties in Rome in those days ... subscribe to this convention (and let me come a little 'envy and tell me everything ^ _ ^)

also all for today but before you say goodbye I can only advise you to add your blog to Valentina, Melindascrap , your favorite ... and do not miss it poses to the beautiful LO Sketchalicious !

A big kiss to all, I am starting to participate in Cosmoprof Bologna, then in the next few days unfortunately neglect my blog ...
