Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tongue Dry When Sleeping

Scrappers: Scarlett!

Hello everyone!
E 'got a new month, spring will arrive soon, I realize that I'm slowly emerging from hibernation, I prepare the final day on the snow and then I think this year I'm ready to hang up the skis on the nail and begin to think of the sea!

But ... today is Thursday and I'm ready to introduce my Favourite Scrapper of the week and its great interview. Here's to you ... Scarlett!

She is definitely not a beginner;) It 's a young scrapper, bubbly, a volcano of creativity, and works with several creative blog! But now I let her speak!

Chiara: How long do you scrap?
Ross: I went to check on my blog ... and the first post I wrote May 20, 2008 ... my mom how long ago! Two and a half years full of surprises, friends, new projects and lots of fun!

Chiara: How did you come to this technique?
Ross: Coincidentally, I wanted to create an album to store photos found in a drawer and do so as a surprise to my brother. Searching the Internet for ways to change a bit 'photos I opened the door of the wonderful world of scrap .... Since then a whirl of wonder it has got me!

Chiara: How define your style?
Ross: Beautiful, wonderful question! I am only sure of one thing .... I DO NOT HAVE A WAY! Or rather, do not always do what I do ... i start with the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a page "straight and clean and I end up looking at a page full of details that are mixed in a disorganized mess! But .... I understand now .... In the scrap comes out what you have inside!

Chiara: What are the techniques that you like best?
Ross: I am denied with the technical terms ... but I love the cards, "stressed" at the edges, emboss I like but I do often, the stamps are fantastic but I am not a "precise" in stamping! Well what to say ... I'm going to freewheel!

clear: there are "tools of the trade" that will never give up?
Ross: For me the scissors are the only thing essential. Obviously, the cutter is already time to speed! One thing that fascinates me so much are the punchatori. ... You all types and shapes, yes, I buy a dozen!

Chiara: You can "only" have a scrap or other artistic passions?
Ross: If we include the card in my love ... scrap it. I also like drawing and painting with piastricciare ... but time is too short to do everything.

Chiara: Your card and your work "works" for someone? They have already prepared when a recipient? I can not always make a card for no real reason (a birthday, an event ...) and without a specific recipient, in fact I find it really hard!
Ross: Well, having to prepare different jobs in a short time, I often prepare and forward port card even months in advance! Obviously, however, that the thought of the recipient helps me accomplish things done with the heart! With regard to IT. ... Those are exclusively for me and my love! Rarely, I realize for others!

Chiara: I ask because according to your blog I was able to see you one of many DT and work with some sites like Artari ... and for each of these cooperation projects are always original! How do you always find the right inspiration?
Ross: Ooooohhhhh! It is precisely these collaborations that give me the opportunity to express all that I ideuzze blending in the head! It is not difficult, I think, I look at the materials I have available and .... I have fun! That's it.

Chiara: Let's talk about you ... the scrap is your job? Or is it "just" a hobby? Also following on the earlier question, I think that all the partnerships that you are challenging also in terms of time, for example for me is the most difficult to find to devote to my hobby!
Ross: I do anything in life. After graduating in economics I graduated as optical and now work in an optician's shop in the center. ... What to say? Otto and I say eight (abundant) hours of daily work that brings me into contact with many people of all types! Luckily they are optimistic about a girl and I try to have fun but also working ... when I get home and give up all the scrap ... it relaxes me and makes me forget everything! For now, I can reconcile all because they are not married yet .... After thirteen years of "engagement". ... Maybe it's about time right?

Chiara: Did the courses to become good how are you?
Ross: The skill is in the eye of the beholder (aaaaahhhh how philosophical!) Let's say I do not feel good ... well, I understand that it is not a duffer and I recognize a right to have an aesthetic sense, but .... For me others are good ... and I admire you so much!

Clare: Do you have a favorite shop or brand to buy from?
Ross: Between ASI and I Artari relations with almost all the Italian and shop online, I can only say that I admire women who are behind us. ... All kind and polite. I zompetto here and there .... buy everything from everyone!

Chiara: What do you recommend to a neo-scrapper? Tips, all must-have ... what comes to mind!
Ross: I would say have fun, get in front of a 30x30 sheet and see what comes out! Materials are not stratospheric (although sometimes it may seem that it is essential for good work) you do not need grand schemes .... Try and slowly, looking around in several blogs, you will find your favorite style and .... You will find that many "secrets "intuitions are just easy!

A huge THANK Ross also for participating in this project! And you already know? Surely most of you, but for those who still had not discovered its rich blog Rainbow Ross my advice is to go to watch it NOW and be conquered by his creations!

We expect next week with another talented scrapper!

nice day!! ^ _ ^


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