Thursday, March 10, 2011

Do Harness Have An Expiry Dat

Scrappers: Sadia!

E 'again Thursday! Good morning everyone and welcome back to my book! :)

curious to know who is the scrapper today?

Then you present it now! The interview will read today is Sadia !


I'm happy to share with you this interview because I have found it really exciting, I hope that this will happen for you too ... and I leave it to Sadia the word!

Chiara: How long do you scrap?
Sadia: Just over 2 years ... I do not remember exactly ....

Chiara: How did you come to this technique?
Sadia: I've actually always had a soft spot for the world of craft ... and I have always had their hands "paste" in different creativity techniques, and the head is overflowing with ideas! =) Then, some time ago, I had Raffa to know, now a dear friend, but then it was my client! =) She was fond of scrap, also a beginner, but much more educated and literate than me, that not even know what the word "scrap"! =) I always spoke of this wonderful technique and fun and fruitful, which organized meetings with the other girls, known by the blog ... One day I was invited to one of these meetings ... and I opened a new world!! I still remember that first meeting we made a mini album, and I still have that historical relic, but every time I see it does not seem possible that I did! =)) From them ... It was love at first sight ... and as my husband says from that day I was ill: ill scrap! =) ... He calls the scrap my drug! =)

Chiara: Did the courses to become as good as you?
Sadia: ... how good are they?? How strange to read these words ... you're talking to me? I certainly have come a long way since I started, and as I said before, when I look at my early work makes me smile and I can hardly believe I have made them, but I'm so, indeed a lot to learn and improve ... but this is also the beautiful creative activities in general, and therefore also of the scrap: there was never arrived, and you never stop learning ... (as for all the things that matter) probably believe the day when they become good, it will be the day when I lose the passion! =) The beauty of this technique is just to express themselves and indulge in emotions without thinking of the proceedings, we are all good when we express our creativity and in my case, believe me: it would be impossible to hold, because in one way or 'another, always, always up!
... to answer your question, however, I did some courses, a couple of times I have attended some meetings arranged by the legendary Ba, very good, that "I started "so to speak ... the coloring. Or better already but I colored with multi-colored, with satisfactory results ... but she has opened the doors to the world of distress: it was an excellent teacher! And since then I can not do without these wonderful colors! I also participated in the course organized with Camilla, more informative meeting! =)
year, then I took part in "creative development", a unique experience rich and very intense training, I would recommend anyone who loves to stamp and scrap! I was really given a lot ... and I hope to repeat this experience! =) But
I think the thing that gave me more, and continually push me to grow and improve, is to have a group of girls known scrapper, which over time have become dear friends who live in my own city, and the whom I share this passion come together, exchange ideas, work together and discuss an experience that really makes a lot ... also share a passion for scraps even stronger ... so I will never cease to thank my "scrap compagnette ! =)

Chiara: What are the projects you want to achieve? (Eg, cards, albums, altered items ... )
Sadia: This is a very difficult question ... I'm going to periods in reality! Let's say that I love making mini albums, is something that really gives me great satisfaction ... but unfortunately for practical reasons, lack of time, and for many other reasons that I am not here to list, I end up doing mostly cards ... which mind you, I really like too! Also because I LOVE color stamps =) I also enjoy altering items ... But generally I like to make objects that have utility! =) And I like it ... but I do not ever! = ((This is an area in which I have yet to test, because I really only made 2 or 3 ... I have some Photos from the party I love and waiting to be placed in some nice page, then just come my inspiration I will also work in this field! =)

Chiara: How would you describe your style?
Sadia: indefinable ... okay?? I really do not know ... maybe I have not yet found a style of my own ... or maybe I just do not see it I do not know ... maybe you should tell me that! ;) I love many things and different styles ... and I like to experiment with everything! =)

Chiara: What are the techniques that you like best?
Sadia: Techniques? What do you mean by technique? I like to paint, stamp ... I like to create image masks ... and more articulate, I love the paper piecing and everything including the stitching ... and I love it as I said before color ... But like I said I'm one that loves experiment, and every time I see a new technique I feel a burning desire to try it at least once! =)

clear: there are "tools of the trade" that will never give up?
Sadia: So many!! First of all the big shot ... I gave it my hubby quite early, and I could not no longer stay, I never thought before that it was important so we say ...! Then the distress of course! =) Then punch a number .. stamps ... and the sewing machine!! =) I mean there are so many ...

clear: it is where you find inspiration for your work? Do you have any "favorite scrapper" who inspires you?
Sadia: The inspiration comes to me from many things, from something I see around, some old and abandoned object, from papers and colors ... and of course in very respectable by many scrapper I follow the blog! =) I follow many blogs, people and different places ... and the internet My second drug: Sometimes I spend hours visiting the blog ... wonderful

Chiara: You can "only" have a scrap or other artistic passions?
Sadia: As I mentioned before I love anything that has to do with creativity ... and everything related to the color and imagination fascinates me a lot ... I did everything, one of my first passions was working the wool ... but there are a thousand others! Then I have to say that my work puts me in direct contact with the hobby, and with a lot of materials of all kinds, so I got to experiment and try my hand at many things! =) But let's say that recently the focus my creative energies between stamping and scrap, culinary arts, and some jewelry ...

Chiara: Let's talk about you ... the scrap is your job? Or is it "just" a hobby?
Sadia: It 's a hobby and a passion ... although I realize some commissioned to design ... It happens when I do it willingly ... as always putting all my effort and my heart ... I must also say I have a great fortune : I work at a hobby supply shop and fine arts, and as I said before this has always been a great influence on my creative experiments: providing continuous incentives! ... Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on what section we analyze the issue) treat little scrap material! =) Sometimes I wonder if my husband did not pay my secret holder, to continue not to wear! =)))

Clare: Do you have a favorite shop or brand to buy from?
Sadia: No ... I have so many !!!!! =) So many brands and many shop ... also for the purchases go to ... periods. Sometimes I fixed up some things and some shop .... Then change ... I really like to buy "live" but unfortunately not always possible ... (actually almost never) then I'm happy to shoot virtually between the shop and fill and empty trucks constantly! =)

Clare: One last little question: what do you recommend to a neo-scrapper? Suggestions, must-have ... everything you can think of!
Sadia: Mhhh ... And this is the most difficult question .... What can I say? I recommend it to anyone who is approaching this world to look for some other person already knows and loves, of trying to create a "group" as much as possible to share this passion with others ... maybe to create a blog, which helps meet other girls with the same hobby ... to participate in meetings and meetings, training that is friendly, indulge in the fantasy ... and throw!

So what do you think? It is fascinating to read Sadia's passion for scrap? For me the effect was that! As you read
Sadia not so much from scrapbooking about two years, but I think it's really really good! And to those who still do not know it, the advice is ... guess what? Obviously to follow her blog now Sadilla 's Blog!

See you in 7 days with a new scrapper!

Thank you all for reading this column this week:)


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