Friday, March 18, 2011

How To Remove An Icicle

A LO dedicated to Naomi! My Favourite

Hehe ... what a beautiful
posts scheduled! Yes, because so my poor blog is not abandoned while I'm away for a few days!

I had pointed out that Monday night I made 2 LO, but I had published only one ... here is another!

For this LO I "scrapliftato" Mery one that I liked very much, or at least I tried;) Here is the original, which is much more beautiful My, but I think that trying to build on "good ones" help them improve;) Here's some other details of the LO:

DSC02321 DSC02322 DSC02324

For this picture, taken during the party for the christening of little Naomi, seemed suitable swirl, flowers and butterflies. Even here I did some experiments with the stickless to highlight some details and with glossy accent, which I used to cover the butterflies.

Well, my PB album created last summer by Footprints Author's starts to fill up a bit '... I like it!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Online Bangbros Episodes

Scrappers: Valentina!

last Thursday ... a new interview!
This week we have a scrapper-viperetta;) Yes, because my Favourite Scrapper now is Valentina or Scrap Melinda, who is also a Creative Viper DA about it at the end of his interview will tell us even one of the new initiatives of the Vipers ... scrapper Roman, watch out!!

Who is Valentina? A young scrapper, a mother of a beautiful little girl who is often the protagonist of his beautiful LO.
I leave the word to you, ready to learn more? So ... go!

Chiara: How long do you scrap?
Vale: scrapbooking for 5 years, and I remember why I started, unfortunately, after my marriage, in 2005 and unfortunately I am writing because if I had started earlier rather than create a crazy wedding favors made of beads, I picked up paper, glue and all our beautiful things and everything would be different:)

Chiara: How did you come to this technique?
Maybe it was fate, but it all started right in the shop now where I teach courses of scraps, the Cartareccia ( -
I was there to buy things for the beads and decoupage, when one of the girls in the shop has seen fit to tell me: "have you seen the new angle of scrapbooking?
Well, then exposed were the first things, things that maybe now make us shudder, but when I saw the wall papers, alphabets, stamps, my heart palpitate, then I thought that was not the case with a passion for something else that could make me spend more money and I left.
I left the obsession for a few days, I started looking for information on the internet and I opened up a world, I went to the store, I started to mess around and buy, buy and mess and I am here today:)

Chiara: As I e-mailed, I really like your style: how do you define it?
Vale: My style? But I have a style? I often look at the pages of the scrapper I like and I recognize the fly thinking "this is his style," but if you look at my I could not tell what unites them, if there is something, then I think I spent several stages ... Currently I'd say my work is "full sometimes" points which are offset by rich white space and looks a bit more 'live and' roly-poly ".

Chiara: What are the techniques that you like best?
My favorite thing right now is to "invent" embellishments and use things made by hand, also a bit 'of time I like to mess around, mix materials and techniques that apparently have nothing to do with the scrap and which perhaps not I'd give a penny, see for example the decoupage on a LO buffer inking stamps made with anything!

clear: there are "tools of the trade" that will never give up? As a basic tool
definitely my faithful cutter, will be trivial, but if there was you! Then any stamps, my drug, the big shot with all the templates you can imagine (nestabilities from Magnolia for some time and 'are my favorites) and punch. To cite only the "tools" because if you then go to the "consumables" then the list would become soooooo long: P

Chiara: You can "only" have a scrap or other artistic passions?
Vale: I only scrap, but as I mentioned before I try to put in a bit 'of everything and often I find myself sewing is how it is to work the felt or other.

clear: it is where you find inspiration for your work? Do you have any "favorite scrapper" who inspires you?
Vale: Scrapper I like there are many in Italy and abroad, of course, but if I want to play in two citartene home and tell you that now my favorites are Kushi and Simona Montanari, totally different from one another but all and two with a special touch.

Chiara: Following your blog, I discovered that also hold courses: how the idea of \u200b\u200ba job to do to someone else?
Vale: When you work for a course is never how to create only if you have a lot more constraints, such as various levels of difficulty, and above all to respect the choice of materials, you are obviously linked to those present at the time shop, so I have to say that I find it harder, but in the end is so nice to see a table of all people with your project in hand that are always the incentive to continue! The ideas can come from being in the hands from which new arrivals come up with something, a request had during a course, one thing I done for me and maybe I like to repeat to the girls, found inspiration by wandering around the web, or just dreaming!
Having a course a week and a small child now makes use of every moment!

Clare: And you made the course as "student"?
Vale: Of course it is! I've made some very beginning about now and if what I did think "but I paid for it?" But then I loved what I did! I then participated in almost all PACS and if time would permit me girerei Italy and the rest of the world in search of beautiful courses ...

Clare: Do you have a favorite shop or brand for your purchases?
Vale: My favorite brands at this time are: October Afternoon, Cosmo Cricket, American Crafts and the new Echo Park.

Chiara: What do you recommend to a neo-scrapper? Suggestions, must-have ... everything you can think of!
Vale: To suggest a new scrapper and start to jump without fear of not being afraid to cut a card or use an embellishment, fear that all we had, but to create, create, create, because the only way to become familiar with this hobby. The techniques are refined by testing the products they know consumers, not just buying them and holding them to give it a peek every day, just as I did at the beginning and the end I found myself to have things that once seemed sacred and now can no longer watch because "old"!

Chiara: The very latest question: next scrapbooking projects planned?
Vale: Projects for the head I have a lot, but what I am much more at the time, considering also its proximity, is the Viper Creative convention that is already in its second edition! It will be held in Rome on 2 / 3 April and you can participate in courses of various activities. Of course that is close to my heart and I take care of it is the section dubbed The Vipers scrap scrapbooking ( ).
take this opportunity to invite you to Clare for me to jump on the blog and perhaps to participate!

Do you understand? So for all Roman or for all those who are parties in Rome in those days ... subscribe to this convention (and let me come a little 'envy and tell me everything ^ _ ^)

also all for today but before you say goodbye I can only advise you to add your blog to Valentina, Melindascrap , your favorite ... and do not miss it poses to the beautiful LO Sketchalicious !

A big kiss to all, I am starting to participate in Cosmoprof Bologna, then in the next few days unfortunately neglect my blog ...


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How Do U Get Hpv In The Throat

LO "Congratulations" Still

Imagine the situation Monday night at home alone (boyfriend in Rome for work), new purchases scrap from experience ...
Result? Creative all-over-the-room;)
It came out well 2 LO! There is only a "small" against ... The pictures I have had worse than usual, and I have not even been able to say "tonight I really do not are" hoping that Roby did soften and to take control of the situation ^ __ ^

Okay, photos aside, today I'll show you the LO I made with the photo of the birthday of Robbie and Clare, a friend of ours. Their birthday a few days away and much celebrating together! This picture I liked a lot and I wanted to dedicate one page:)

Not having the right inspiration, I started to wander a bit 'for blogs that I follow more and see if Ross had just the one post new sketch GYSO ... and here is the inspiration;)
Here's my interpretation:

course with my wonderful photos you do not notice no details such as the pounds stickless with whom I held the letters of the title, or any glossy accent with which I have hidden flags, but you do see the same few more photos ... more detailed

DSC02332 DSC02329

The blue pattern with brown designs is part of a beautiful kit by Laura Ashley that I took my mother, because they are very beautiful card details (in this case brown designs) are velvety ... what a show!

all for today, tomorrow I'll wait ... do not miss the new interview on Thursday!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bladder Polyps, Precancerous

Special glue for special applications 150kg per cm2

Colle special for special applications 150kg per cm2

In difficult situations it takes special glue for special applications.
High strength, complete transparency, etc etc ...
James Sottile

What Is The Koleston Colour Chart For Hair?


Tine new, new photos ... New LO!
I wanted to experiment a little 'and this post to Daniela I found the inspiration I was looking for: a beautiful sketch and a colorful picture!

This is what came out


I really like the colors so bright background Kraft, and what about the flowers? They are too cute! It was a bit 'that I made the LO but they gave me lots of pleasure: D

I can not wait to try the other new signings!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Chamomile Valerian Root Tea

New purchases!

There was a punch that made me just fall in love, but could not find anywhere anymore, I also asked my mom to look at the show but ... nothing! And then finally here, on the shop Timbroscrapmania ... I could leave it there? Absolutely not! And I could only buy one? Assolutissimamente no! So ... I immediately called and Claudia Vale and we made a small order!
Here is my part:
Balck Magic Cards and Whitewash, fermacampione colored, glossy accents and of course the punch:) nice true?

In addition the same day I also get prints of some 'photos of what I ordered ... best opportunity for some 'scrap??

you tomorrow!

Friday, March 11, 2011

How Can I Incline A Crib

A new LO! My Favourite

You thought you were not creating anything more? But no, I just can not publish their latest creations ^ _ ^
But today I have a beautiful LO, new new, fresh, fresh ... Since I received the prints a bit 'of photos that I ordered, I went back scrapbooking a few months and I have some pictures taken at Christmas, our little production of biscuits;)

I used the sketch on Sketchalicious proposed today and many beautiful Christmas cards that I looked disconsolate from the box of the cards now ... thought which would have been abandoned there until next Christmas: P

This LO is involved in these challenges
Sketchalicious : LO sketch # 15
Paper & Memorabilia : theme "food and drink" - mandatory elements "great title, journaling handwritten, a border punch

you next!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Do Harness Have An Expiry Dat

Scrappers: Sadia!

E 'again Thursday! Good morning everyone and welcome back to my book! :)

curious to know who is the scrapper today?

Then you present it now! The interview will read today is Sadia !


I'm happy to share with you this interview because I have found it really exciting, I hope that this will happen for you too ... and I leave it to Sadia the word!

Chiara: How long do you scrap?
Sadia: Just over 2 years ... I do not remember exactly ....

Chiara: How did you come to this technique?
Sadia: I've actually always had a soft spot for the world of craft ... and I have always had their hands "paste" in different creativity techniques, and the head is overflowing with ideas! =) Then, some time ago, I had Raffa to know, now a dear friend, but then it was my client! =) She was fond of scrap, also a beginner, but much more educated and literate than me, that not even know what the word "scrap"! =) I always spoke of this wonderful technique and fun and fruitful, which organized meetings with the other girls, known by the blog ... One day I was invited to one of these meetings ... and I opened a new world!! I still remember that first meeting we made a mini album, and I still have that historical relic, but every time I see it does not seem possible that I did! =)) From them ... It was love at first sight ... and as my husband says from that day I was ill: ill scrap! =) ... He calls the scrap my drug! =)

Chiara: Did the courses to become as good as you?
Sadia: ... how good are they?? How strange to read these words ... you're talking to me? I certainly have come a long way since I started, and as I said before, when I look at my early work makes me smile and I can hardly believe I have made them, but I'm so, indeed a lot to learn and improve ... but this is also the beautiful creative activities in general, and therefore also of the scrap: there was never arrived, and you never stop learning ... (as for all the things that matter) probably believe the day when they become good, it will be the day when I lose the passion! =) The beauty of this technique is just to express themselves and indulge in emotions without thinking of the proceedings, we are all good when we express our creativity and in my case, believe me: it would be impossible to hold, because in one way or 'another, always, always up!
... to answer your question, however, I did some courses, a couple of times I have attended some meetings arranged by the legendary Ba, very good, that "I started "so to speak ... the coloring. Or better already but I colored with multi-colored, with satisfactory results ... but she has opened the doors to the world of distress: it was an excellent teacher! And since then I can not do without these wonderful colors! I also participated in the course organized with Camilla, more informative meeting! =)
year, then I took part in "creative development", a unique experience rich and very intense training, I would recommend anyone who loves to stamp and scrap! I was really given a lot ... and I hope to repeat this experience! =) But
I think the thing that gave me more, and continually push me to grow and improve, is to have a group of girls known scrapper, which over time have become dear friends who live in my own city, and the whom I share this passion come together, exchange ideas, work together and discuss an experience that really makes a lot ... also share a passion for scraps even stronger ... so I will never cease to thank my "scrap compagnette ! =)

Chiara: What are the projects you want to achieve? (Eg, cards, albums, altered items ... )
Sadia: This is a very difficult question ... I'm going to periods in reality! Let's say that I love making mini albums, is something that really gives me great satisfaction ... but unfortunately for practical reasons, lack of time, and for many other reasons that I am not here to list, I end up doing mostly cards ... which mind you, I really like too! Also because I LOVE color stamps =) I also enjoy altering items ... But generally I like to make objects that have utility! =) And I like it ... but I do not ever! = ((This is an area in which I have yet to test, because I really only made 2 or 3 ... I have some Photos from the party I love and waiting to be placed in some nice page, then just come my inspiration I will also work in this field! =)

Chiara: How would you describe your style?
Sadia: indefinable ... okay?? I really do not know ... maybe I have not yet found a style of my own ... or maybe I just do not see it I do not know ... maybe you should tell me that! ;) I love many things and different styles ... and I like to experiment with everything! =)

Chiara: What are the techniques that you like best?
Sadia: Techniques? What do you mean by technique? I like to paint, stamp ... I like to create image masks ... and more articulate, I love the paper piecing and everything including the stitching ... and I love it as I said before color ... But like I said I'm one that loves experiment, and every time I see a new technique I feel a burning desire to try it at least once! =)

clear: there are "tools of the trade" that will never give up?
Sadia: So many!! First of all the big shot ... I gave it my hubby quite early, and I could not no longer stay, I never thought before that it was important so we say ...! Then the distress of course! =) Then punch a number .. stamps ... and the sewing machine!! =) I mean there are so many ...

clear: it is where you find inspiration for your work? Do you have any "favorite scrapper" who inspires you?
Sadia: The inspiration comes to me from many things, from something I see around, some old and abandoned object, from papers and colors ... and of course in very respectable by many scrapper I follow the blog! =) I follow many blogs, people and different places ... and the internet My second drug: Sometimes I spend hours visiting the blog ... wonderful

Chiara: You can "only" have a scrap or other artistic passions?
Sadia: As I mentioned before I love anything that has to do with creativity ... and everything related to the color and imagination fascinates me a lot ... I did everything, one of my first passions was working the wool ... but there are a thousand others! Then I have to say that my work puts me in direct contact with the hobby, and with a lot of materials of all kinds, so I got to experiment and try my hand at many things! =) But let's say that recently the focus my creative energies between stamping and scrap, culinary arts, and some jewelry ...

Chiara: Let's talk about you ... the scrap is your job? Or is it "just" a hobby?
Sadia: It 's a hobby and a passion ... although I realize some commissioned to design ... It happens when I do it willingly ... as always putting all my effort and my heart ... I must also say I have a great fortune : I work at a hobby supply shop and fine arts, and as I said before this has always been a great influence on my creative experiments: providing continuous incentives! ... Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on what section we analyze the issue) treat little scrap material! =) Sometimes I wonder if my husband did not pay my secret holder, to continue not to wear! =)))

Clare: Do you have a favorite shop or brand to buy from?
Sadia: No ... I have so many !!!!! =) So many brands and many shop ... also for the purchases go to ... periods. Sometimes I fixed up some things and some shop .... Then change ... I really like to buy "live" but unfortunately not always possible ... (actually almost never) then I'm happy to shoot virtually between the shop and fill and empty trucks constantly! =)

Clare: One last little question: what do you recommend to a neo-scrapper? Suggestions, must-have ... everything you can think of!
Sadia: Mhhh ... And this is the most difficult question .... What can I say? I recommend it to anyone who is approaching this world to look for some other person already knows and loves, of trying to create a "group" as much as possible to share this passion with others ... maybe to create a blog, which helps meet other girls with the same hobby ... to participate in meetings and meetings, training that is friendly, indulge in the fantasy ... and throw!

So what do you think? It is fascinating to read Sadia's passion for scrap? For me the effect was that! As you read
Sadia not so much from scrapbooking about two years, but I think it's really really good! And to those who still do not know it, the advice is ... guess what? Obviously to follow her blog now Sadilla 's Blog!

See you in 7 days with a new scrapper!

Thank you all for reading this column this week:)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sultan Rounded Bed Ikea

Advertising that will be released on March 10, 2011 SecoloXIX .. Luminous

  • Publications of all kinds, digital printing and signage
  • and panels: advertising, photographic, technical and signs
  • Fairs, conferences stand, events
  • sheeting, PVC and canvas paintings
  • Illuminated signs and nameplates
  • posters, posters, banners and municipal Cemusa
  • banners, backdrops, stage sets, furniture civil and marine structures and shapes
  • Achievements furniture advertising tailored
  • Websites (
  • Totem Advertising
  • Customizing vehicles
  • Lettering, numbers and shapes stickers and prespaced
  • cards, cards, badges rigid PVC Flooring
  • advertising scenic
  • Print Latex Ecological Dreaming of greener world
Private parking for customers in Central

Monthly specials

Tele Custom Painting mounted on a wooden frame

70x100 50x70 30.00 € 70.00 € 110.00 €
prices excluding VAT

Promo BV
1000 business cards 80 , 00 € + VAT

print on any material and size in single copy and print runs Limited ...
James Sottile

Ewcm 3 Days Before Af

Another award ... what a pleasure!

Hello! Today I received this award

from Sara's blog Headbands Glamour ... Thanks Sara, it's really a pleasure to receive a prize! : D
These are the rules for winners:
  • Thank the bloggers who have honored
  • Write a post for the premium received
  • Give the award to 12 other blogs that we especially like
  • Publish the selected blog links Experience the award-winning

And these are blogs that I would reward:
My life

are some of the blogs that I follow more creative and not have some of the people who accompany me in the web world:) Thanks again to Sara

rewarded for having a nice day everyone!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Nail Polish Sayings For Bridal Shower

Heart Mother

My mami Sunday became convinced by her friend a ride to the creative Skillfully fair in Vicenza. My mom is a "forward" but not its creative, so he spent the day with a little 'healthy shopping art ... for her baby, that's me!!
It took me a lot of beautiful things cards, embellishments stickers, rhinestones, cardstock, stamp and even a two punches for the big shot and a punch around the page "Martha Stewart!
is the loot:
and behold the beautiful border punch that last night I tried;)
And I also commissioned an album that she and her colleague would like to give to their friend recently became dad ... But my mom is super or not??

Templates For Ballerina Shoes

Best wishes to all women!

Today is our celebration on March 8, International Women's Day!
Being a woman holds a world in one word: We are mothers, accomplices, friends, confidants, wives, girlfriends, working, sensitive, hopeless romantic, touchy subject, stubborn, affectionate, and more ... this is why it is simplistic to us celebrate one day a year, our party is every passing day, We are fortunate to be able to live our women to be 360 \u200b\u200bdegrees and live in freedom, women can not do things that other countries enslaved from their husbands by war and precarious living conditions, but also women of our country who are victims of abuse, violence, discrimination and other forms of psychological violence! is why it is right spare a thought for them especially in this day we celebrate!
Happy Women's Day to all you wonderful creatures!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Gallbladder Causes Enlarged Liver...need Surgery?

with aluminum box and neon lighting

plexiglass panel with vinyl polymer printing durability and anti UV matt lamination which extends the warranty, mounted on aluminum box, backlit by neon. ...

James Sottile

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Can You Buy Baked Hot Cheetos At Walmart

The war is upon us!

The coup of 1969 leading to the Qaddafi government also leads to the reopening of the dispute with Italy on the colonial past. The new military junta uses Italy as the "external enemy" to cement the internal consensus, propaganda through initiatives such as confiscation of property (including social security contributions) and the expulsion of Italy and Libya, and the institutionalization of the "day of revenge. "

The core of the political relationship remains the Libyan claim compensation for damage caused by the Italians during the colonization and wars fought on Libyan soil. The question has inspired some discussion: if the current Libya (never independent before 1951) was internationally recognized as part of the Italian territory, the damage caused by military operations of the Italian twenties and thirties and the Second World War on the North African front, they would hit the Italian territory and not to another state, among other things no one European state has ever paid money for the alleged damage caused by the possession of another colonial territory now independent.
Equally Italy could ask for damages to the current Libyan government for damages resulting from the numerous rebel reprisals Libyans during the colonial period, it is quite absurd requests were rejected. These unusual requests
opposes the need to maintain a political relationship stretched for several reasons: the importance of extracting the oil that went ENI in Libya since 1956, the opportunity to work together to combat fundamentalism and terrorism, the search for stability in the Mediterranean .

In 1970, after the advent of the Libyan revolution, the more than twenty thousand Italians living in Libya were expelled from the country and have suffered the confiscation of all property in violation of the Italo-Libyan Treaty of 1956, concluded on the basis of UN Resolution of 1950 that affect the independence of the United Kingdom of Libya to respect the rights and interests of the minority population in the country.
The value of goods has been calculated, 1970, by the Italian government 200 billion dollars for the land value only. Including bank deposits and the various business activities and craft with associated goodwill, this figure exceeds 400 billion lire, to 2006, translates to about € 3 billion. Thirty-seven years, there has never been an ad hoc measure providing for the adequate compensation for the confiscation of 1970. The beneficiaries are benefited only by the laws of the benefits provided for compensation to all Italian citizens who have lost their assets abroad.
The confiscation of 1970 was justified by Gaddafi as partial relief for damages arising from colonization, a sort of advance on the alleged balance now able to obtain, although the distinction by the Libyan leader among confiscated assets and liabilities of the victims of the same has always been clear. The Italian government on its part has never claimed by the Libyan compliance with the Treaty violated by using the proposed arbitration clause (Article 9) or have you ever put on the table the value of those assets "returned" to the Libyan people if only to reduce demanded the Colonel. Dini-Mountasser
The agreement of July 1998 which was to close all the litigation is not the slightest mention of the value of assets seized from the Italians. As for entry visas to Libya, after the initial enthusiasm following the visit of then Prime Minister Berlusconi to Gaddafi in 2004, where the problem seemed to be overcome, now Italian citizens repatriated in 1970 can not come in the country until you have completed 65 years, through an organized tour and with the entry documents in Italian in Arabic. The AIRLIE today is the association that represents and defends the rights of all returnees, fighting since 1972 for the completion of the compensation, and founded his own battle on specific moral and legal grounds.
You hear every now and then credit the Italians in Libya, linking this issue with the advent of Gaddafi and the expropriation of assets and the expulsion of the Italians, in 1970. In fact, there are several aspects of the story. "Amounts of Italian companies in Libya 'as such, any business dating back to 1970, the oldest dating from the early eighties, most recently in early 2000. The reason for these entrepreneurs Libyan insolvency is not the political will to compromise the Italians, but the result of an administrative or commercial disputes. The variety of cases, since 105 companies, defies classification.
The Italian government, in the spirit of the past created by the cancellation of the Joint Communiqué (see above), asked in 2000 to various creditors of the Libyan Government to make known their situation to negotiate as a block of credits. The sum of the claims alleged reached the level of more than 620 million euro and the difficult negotiations began.
The Libyans demanded that the Italian side to calculate the undisputed claims within the 620 million euro, and has been answered, asked to recalculate with their experts, arriving at totally different conclusions, at the insistence Italian, produced in 2004 a proposal for redemption standard, of course, less than 600 million. Recorded creditors, the proposal was rejected and returned to the office. At one point told the Libyans (upholding a concept already expressed above) that the creditors of the group could be used singuli ahead anyway, then denied this possibility to occur the first case.

Libya FIGURES in Italy: The
October 16, 2007 ENI and the Libyan National Corporation have signed an agreement extending the presence of the Italian energy company in Libya until 2042 and 2047 respectively for the extraction of oil and gas.
Between 2008 and 2010, almost 40 billion Euros were exchanged between Italy and Libya: Libyan
the central bank and the Libyan Investment Authority (sovereign fund) have invested EUR 2.5 billion to acquire about 7% of Unicredit becoming the largest shareholder of the first Italian banking group
7.5% in the share capital held by Lafico Juventus make it the fifth investor in size Bombay
1% of ENI was acquired from the Libyans, who have longer than 25 years of energy concessions, in exchange for investing 28 billion Eni
Lafitrade, along with Fininvest, controls 10% of Quinta Communications, Tarak Ben Ammar
Cesare Geronzi, owner of General, Libya accepted years ago in the bargain company of Banca di Roma (now Capitalia), as well as bank UBAE
14.8% Retelit, telecommunications company, is controlled by the Libyan financial.
The Treaty of Benghazi in 2008 also opened the door for orders to be distributed among Italian investors:
€ 2.3 billion for the construction of 1,700 km coastal highway Libyan
construction of a convention center (Impregilo) and procurement of helicopters (Finmeccanica) and railway signaling (Ansaldo) were given to Italian companies.
From 2005 to 2009, Italy has issued licenses for the export of weapons to Libya for a value of 276.7 million euro in progression increasing in value in just three quarters of 2008-2009. Italy was thus the first EU country to arms exports to Libya, covering one third of the total in five years. The value of exports is covered mainly by military aircraft, but also includes missiles and electronic equipment. A further delivery of € 8 million of small arms through Malta has been traced back to Pietro Beretta arms factory. It is also unclear permissions received for delivery.

This is the past but soon this may not be quieter.
With a civil war that only a few kilometers away from us, where sooner or later the Americans arrive to intervene to quell the dictatorship of the Libyan leader, we might find men in all that we say no to being involved in a horrendous story.
E 'for half a century we are talking about abuse to the people of Libya, where the only was to enrich the "state" and now that the blood runs down the street, now that the insurgency rages in the streets of every city of Libya; we hear that the government is inclined to give a salary increase to the citizens.
One thing is certain, America alone can not control the various conflicts in the world, so will be forced to request the assistance of its allies ... and guess who is a servile ally of America? It just Italy.

Instructions For Frustration Board Game

watches from Swatch launched the moment!

yesterday doing my usual tour of the various websites that talk fashion, I came across what I believe will become the must-have this spring that still does not arrive! you're wondering what I'm talking about and I am satisfied now your curiosity by saying that the proposal coolest watches made in arriving nothing less than Switzerland and more specifically by the manufacturer of choice for watches Swatch, which offers a vast range in silicon with a long strap that wraps twice around the wrist!
addition to the freshness that these watches (which are part of the collection Lady Collection ) lead only to see them, the thing that surprised me most is the wide range of colors who have chosen to make these very nice watches that I have dubbed "the joy"!
pastel clothes that fit you perfectly and spring combinations in which we could launch as soon as the weather improves a bit!
In addition to watches, the Swatch has launched as and when the collection Lady Collection also the additional line Colour Codes of ten long, thin leather bracelets are perfect for watch to be worn together or separately chosen by us .... you will find the clocks in the colors: purple, blue, pink, yellow, purple, dark green, white and peach while the bracelets are available in shades: red, yellow , green, orange, purple, white, dark blue and blue!
addition to being attractive are also very convenient, in fact the price is not exaggerated and can be able to buy even more from an alternate course according to your mood and outfit chosen ... The cost is € 38 to € 20 for watches and bracelets!
As always, good shopping from fashion passion!