Thursday, February 24, 2011

Amimal Skin Bar Stools

Scrappers: Glenda! There are still

Hello! We are already the third Favourite Scrapper! And this week the interview is a young future star mom: I present Glenda!
I discovered his blog a few months, but I immediately liked her style fresh, so I would like to find out more about her!
Here is his interview!

Chiara: How long do you scrap?
Glenda: ... from November 2009
Chiara: How did you come to this technique?
Glenda: I've always decorated my albums with cards, and various phrases tickets (trains, museums, cinemas and so on!) Then after the wedding ... was looking for ideas for album of the honeymoon, and I found the scrap ... I realized that what I did had a name (even though it was scrap-moooooolto prehistoric!) I looked at websites, bought magazines ... and it was love at first sight! ...
Chiara: How would you describe your style?
Glenda: You know I do not know? I do not know if I have a precise style ... but I meet most of my LO romantic and / or vintage!
Chiara: What are the techniques that you like best?
Glenda: Also here are very indecisive ... now I love the stamps and put them everywhere ... before I had the obsession of the flowers ... I bought the quantities and put them everywhere ... who knows what the next craze!
clear: there are "tools of the trade" that will never give up?
Glenda ... I would say no. ... I have some punch, the big shot, the bind it all ... so I have several tools ... but I do not think there is an "indispensable". ... Except scissors and glue!
Chiara: You can "only" have a scrap or other artistic passions?
Glenda: ... over the years I have tried so many little things. ... But what really fascinates me is the scrap!
Chiara: Your card "works" for someone? They have already prepared when a recipient? I can not always make a card for no real reason (a birthday, an event ...) and without a specific recipient, in fact I find it really hard!
Glenda: It is often ... there's a birthday, anniversary etc.. and then I take a card just for this occasion and that person .... but it also happens without a specific recipient ... especially when I attend some challenges at the beginning ... not participate in the challenges because I did not think capable of being .. then I realized most part, I needed more time to improve and to use color or embellishments that I never used unless they were bound for the challenge!
Clare: Do you have a favorite shop or brand to buy from?
Glenda: No, no brand or shop ... honestly, where they buy what I need at that time at a reasonable price! With the baby / coming to me I have to give a subsidiary (LOL!!) But before I bought almost every shop in Italian, French and some on ebay ... I have found good everywhere!
Chiara: Did the courses to become as good as you?
Glenda "good as you are"? wow ... thanks! I consider myself a beginner! ... And no, no progress ... I like to try, try ... maybe I am not perfect, but "I did it all by myself!" .... but there are good courses in which I would like to participate but are still far from home and I give up!
clear: it is where you find inspiration for your work? Do you have any "favorite scrapper" who inspires you?
Glenda: There are many scrapper that I admire very much, and not Italian, maybe I draw inspiration for that particular that I really like how they put quell'abbellimento to approach or how the colors ... but I always try to use (much as I can) imagination and my tastes ... because if not the result I do not like and do not feel "My!
Chiara: Let's talk about you ... the scrap is a hobby or did you work?
Glenda: It is a hobby! Sometimes I'd turn it into a job. ... But .... Eg. My husband always tells me now that I'm passionate about so much because it's a hobby, I do because I like and when I feel like if it were a job I would be "forced" to do so and maybe not ... I'm passionate about too much ... I would see it as " weight "instead of" fun "... I do not know. ... but I do not have a point!
Chiara: Last question for you: what do you recommend to a neo-scrapper? Tips, all must-have ... what comes to mind!
Glenda: To try !!!!!! I had at the beginning "afraid" to use the embellishments and papers (because they end ... LOL!) .... And not being able to do it .... It does not matter! I have fun? ... It is not "beautiful"? patience, the next time it will get better! I mean to throw in this wonderful world and slowly we learn! I do scrapbooking for over a year ... you know how many millions of things still do not know?? But there is beauty, in my opinion, if you know you fed up with everything at once right?
... As for the "must-have" the papers say ... ... then some landscaping as you see and try new techniques that you understand what you may like to focus attention on those in shopping! ... My first purchase scrap has been: a set of cards, a red pad, flowers and brads, and a little stamp on my heart! ... The scrap-shopping-mania came after !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
... .. Thank you for this space devoted to me Clare! You make me feel important !!!!!!
Thanks !!!!!! Glenda

But thank you Glenda! If you do not know her, go immediately to see his blog: My small world ... which is currently a little 'stand-by but for a most just cause, the puppy (or kitten) on arrival is absorbing all the attention and energies to Glenda;)

I hope that you enjoy this book as I like, because I am really enjoying it every time you discover something more than girls who may not know personally but who share with me this wonderful hobby!

A kiss to all ... see you next week!


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